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Tips to reduce weight[2]

About exercising

Two things, you must do to lose weight and one of those we have already covered pretty extensively and that is to eat right and fill your body with good, clean water. The other thing you have to do is get your body moving. There are many things you can do on a daily basis that will help to kick start your body into losing weight and there are many exercises you can do on your own to lose weight
1st tip
You need at least 30 minutes of exercise a day to experience any weight loss benefits. Major studies have shown that 60 minutes a day is actually best. Ideally, the exercise should be continuous, but it could be split up into two 30-minute sectionsa

3rd tip
Three days of 30 minute exercise will help you to maintain your weight, but you need at least 4 days of 30 m inute exercise to begin to lose weight and 5 days a week is even better.
2nd tip
Try bicycling, but be aware of safety measures. If you decide to bicycle for health, study all bicycle safety measures and be aware of the high risk for serious injury compared with other exercise options. Always, of course, wear your helmet.

4th tip
When your body tells you it has had enough, take a break. When you have worked out for a cons iderable amount of time, you will start receiving signals from your body. This is particularly important when you are just get ting started in your exercise routine.
5th tip
Don’t stand around, walk around. If you can walk around then do it. People who are pacers are actually d oing themselves a lot of good because they are constantly moving. Pacing also helps you think.
6th tip
Don’t stand around, walk around. If you can walk around then do it. People who are pacers are actually d oing themselves a lot of good because they are constantly moving. Pacing also helps you think.
7th tip
If you have a job where you sit the whole time, stand up and stretch every half hour or so. Most of today’s jobs are in front of a computer and require you to sit. If you have a job like this make it a point to move every so often.
8th tip
Hide the remote control from y ourself. Remote controls are also evil when it comes to losing we ight. If you didn’t have a remote, you may not even turn on the television, which means you might find more active things to do. Get up and change the channel if you don’t have a remote or go for a walk instead of watching TV.
9th tip
Turn on some music and dance. Again, the more you get moving the better you will feel and the more weight you will lose.
10th tip
Experiment with yoga. Yoga is a great way to lose weight and reduce your stress levels. Yoga teaches you how to control your muscles and gain more control of your individual muscles groups.